Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Tax Time = Mindless Knitting

It's that time again. Being in decluttering mode, I decided to get the three tax returns I have to prepare every year done and over with. And I did. Today. That way I could file the records and go on with my life. Unfortunately there is the signing and copies and mailing to be accomplished, but the worst is over.

I've been in a blue funk for a few days and mindless knitting seems to be all I can accomplish. The Abundance Afghan is enjoying the resulting growth spurt.

I have four pairs of sock machine socks needing Kitchenering. (I just love making up words with the Kitchener root!) Since they are machine socks with 60 stitches, that means I have 30 + 30 stitches to Kitchener. My attention span can't handle that during American Idol. Maybe tomorrow evening during Survivor.

I am reading a wonderful book that is fitting right in with my mood, The Knitting Circle, by Ann Hood.

Okay so it's another book about how knitting can help you out of a bad place, save your sanity, bring quietude where there is angst. We know that, right? However, the story has more depth than the Blossom Street tales, in my humble opinion, or maybe it's just the right story for me at the right time. Mothers, daughters, husbands, and others. Work, home, Providence, RI. It's all there.

Back to mindless . . . knitting.

Bona Fide Knitter

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just found out Ann Hood will be reading at my neighborhood bookstore next week. How about you fly crosscountry to make it to the reading. You know, substitute jet lag for your blue funk...
The afghan is already looking very cozy. Hang in there!