Saturday, February 10, 2007

Knit One, Declutter Two

Love Bite #10 - When the love bug bites really think about the particular bug before you bite back. It might be a better idea to use calamine lotion and get rid of the itch.

I left four bags of clothing and accessories and a new microwave oven in its original box on the porch for the charity truck to pick up yesterday. I was so relieved to see it all gone when I got home in the late afternoon. Yesssss! Today on to the next step in the former guest room. Sadly there was so much in there I could not get to it all. That is, I could not reach it! Now that I've gotten rid of so much I can put the rest in piles to discard, bag for next pick up or put away. I'll be able to walk all the way around the bed any day now. I'm feeling lighter already.

In the room in which I blog, an office, sewing room, doll room among its many uses, I have allowed the paperwork of three households to take over. Every inch of space on every surface, including the floor, is covered. Today I take Before pictures because no one will believe it when I get to After. Don't expect to see the Before pictures here. I'd be too embarrassed. Fodder for the expose' mill I am not. Suffice it to say: (1) it's a small room approximately 8' x 12' with a window and a closet (2) the equipment and supplies for all its uses are contained within (3) a chest of drawers once used for organization fell apart and the drawers are on top of the three households of papers, their contents sliding out and downhill. Yes, there are hills and valleys! I plan to spend a week on just this room alone. But remember, I'm a retiree. I 'break' for knitting and quit at lunchtime. However, I do start very early.

Knitting Knote: The Valentine surprise is almost ready. The baby kimono and Abundance Afghan are no farther along. I feel an urge to knit some socks on a machine. Uh-oh!

Bona Fide Knitter

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