I am considering going up to New York City for Vogue Knitting Live to shop the Marketplace for a day. It isn't until later in the month and I will have talked myself into and out of going many times before then. I certainly do not need to add to my stash, but I do need to see what's going on outside of my self-inflicted hermitude. "To go or not to go?" that is the question. To be tempted by all that fiberlishousness is not a good thing for me. But on the other hand . . .
A needed day out
Lunch in NYC
Fashion shows
Book signings
New products
Raffles and FREE stuff
Getting up and out before dawn
January cold commuter train platform
Buying more yarn
Buying more books
Buying more tools and gadgets
Buying, buying, buying
Oh well, time will tell. In the meantime I am getting my Knitplan 2011 together in my mind. Of course the first thing I plan is to reduce the UFO pile. I want to commit to one a month, but I'm tired of not meeting my commitments so I'm not making any specific ones. I will get some UFOs finished this year. There! I've said it, "some" is that four? We'll see.
I have decided to get back to some other interests this year. Using sock machines could really put a dent in the sock yarn stash. My dollhouse miniatures have been neglected for way too many years. I'm planning a comeback. I have a new loom. A few rectangular stoles are in the plan. So many hobbies, so little time.
Dollhouse Miniatures
And on the needles and active today is . . . I don't even want to talk about it. You've been hearing about it since last March. It will be finished before this March. After all, I have another waiting in the wings to get started on. I have a sock on the needles as well. The first in a while. It's the one to replace the shredded disaster of a couple of weeks ago. Having a sock on the needles grounds me. I should never be without one. I find that I knit more when I have a sock going at all times.
Sock in Progress
Again, Happy Knit Year,
Bona Fide Knitter
Happy New Year!! I solved the problem of going to New York by planning a trip out of town with DH! Enjoy it and have a wonderful time!
Happy New Year to you as well! I say GO and have a grand time. I'll hope for good weather and I know the company of knitters will be wonderful! KW
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