Where have I been, you wonder? Well, it's a very long story. I can't believe I haven't had anything to say in a month! Actually I had plenty to say but no time to say it. I'll try to catch you up in stages. Doing it all at once would be too much to expect you to endure.
First let me say what kept me away. We (mostly I) did a major de-cluttering and dust bunny-ectomy. I had a deadline and finally got it done, something I've been talking about and making half-hearted attempts at for months (years?). The impetus was I needed a house appraisal on short notice, two weeks to get the house in shape to receive an appraiser! We did it! Don't get too excited. The place isn't "de-cluttered." The clutter has been organized--boxed, bagged and filed for future perusal. The plan is to go through every hiding place and cut the clutter to the bone. In the meantime, I can't find a damn thing!!! But it's neat and clean around here.
The day after the house was shipshape, we left for vacation on Cape Cod. The first few days there we were too pooped to pop. After the first week I left the husband and furkids and drove up to Maine for the Sasha Festival, a doll festival. More on that hobby another time. When I got back to Cape Cod I had to recover from the Maine trip. Too many early mornings, all day festivities, late dinners and into-the-wee-hours gabfests.
The third week of our Cape Cod vacation I recovered enough to get the porch ready for our next trip and drive home again. I had three days to attend to business back here then I was on the road again on an overnight trip for a concert in Virginia, Wolf Trap, Denyce Graves, Carmen in Concert. I just got home a little while ago. I stopped at a yarn shop. At last some KNITTING content!
I'll start at the yarn shop and work back. The shop is called Uniquities and is in Vienna, VA. It's a great place! I always check the 'net to see what yarn shops might be in the vicinity of my travel destination. Sometimes what I find is disappointing. This one is a winner. Unfortunately I didn't have time to linger but I saw lots of yarn and books and tools of the trade. There were three rooms chock full of what knitter need. I wish I could be more specific. Suffice to say they had everything! I was in the market for a worsted weight yarn, washable because it will be used for a baby, and in colors not babyish. I didn't want the usual baby neutrals--mint, yellow, combos of baby pastels. I also didn't want brights, darks or solids. What's left, you wonder? I found something and that's all I'm going to say right now. Don't want to give anything away to someone who might be reading.
There was knitting at the doll festival. I made knitted favors to give to my close doll friends. I bought the doll size knitting baskets and knitted the started socks on doll size double pointed needles. Actually I did the knitting on one circular (Magic Loop method) and slipped the stitches onto toothpicks, "doll size double pointed needles."

I won an exquisitely knitted doll vest and socks made by one of my knitting gurus. The detail isn't captured in this picture. It's something to behold. I'll try to get some better pictures, more up close and personal.

Bona Fide Knitter
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