It's been a long, lazy Sunday. No knitting yet, but I did put swift and winder to work and wound some little hanks of sport yarn into little "cakes." As of now the yarn is for my first pair of toe up socks. We'll see if that's what the yarn tells me it really wants to be.
Nothing new on the knitting front. I'm still smarting from having to put SFSS back in the UFO box. I'm working on the soy sauce socks and revamping ideas on what to do next. I'm in a wishy-washy state of mind, one minute one sweater, the next minute another. Do I even want to start a sweater going into June, July and August? The jury is still out.
Bona Fide Knitter
1 comment:
The rhododendrons are *so* your color -- they remind me of your mitered jacket!
I am seriously thinking of frogging my long-finished, almost never worn FSS. It is way too long and I can't figure out how to shorten it properly.
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