Saturday, March 31, 2007
The Weekend
So today I will knit and sustain myself on Chinese take out. I don't work on weekends. No de-cluttering, not even a luke warm attempt. Not even a half-hearted swipe with a duster at the Spring spider webs linking the picture frames together on the shelf and window sill. You can only see them for a short period when the sun shines in the window at a certain angle anyway. Furthermore, the spiders put more up right away. I don't know why they want those pictures linked together. Maybe because they are family pictures? Family/relatives/related/linked together. Get it?
The weekend is mine.
Bona Fide Knitter
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Another Day, Another Dishcloth

The first was a bunny made from corner to corner. This one is a chick made side to side. I have to learn to photograph them better so the picture stands out more. Anyway, do you see an Easter or Spring theme developing? While marking time until my Knit Picks order arrives I'll be Kitchenering toes on socks and knitting dishcloths it seems.
I've received the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival Catalog and see the Circular Sock Knitting Machine Demo will be in the Main Exhibition Hall on Saturday from 2 - 6 p.m. That demo is being done by the people from MARS of which I am one. Stop by to say hello and see how these old machines work.
Bona Fide Knitter
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
"Warshrag" Wednesday

There it is, not blocked, but all finished! It took only a short time to complete even though at the half way point I decided it wasn't perfect, frogged and started over. It's a picture dishcloth. Can you tell what the picture is? There are two dishcloths per month. Since I joined so late in the month, I thought I would tackle only the one that caused me to join the KAL in the first place. They are so fast to knit I will probably do the mid-March offering as well.
Back to the SFS Sweater: I gave up on finding the needles and placed a KnitPicks order right away. I only needed the size six tips, but what good is free shipping if you don't take advantage of it? So instead of the $4 for needles, I spent $45+ to get free shipping. It's very easy to fill up a cart at Knit Picks. I ordered the big needles that do not come in the set, sizes 15 and 17, and some sock yarn. I can always use sock yarn. I also ordered one skein of Cotlin to swatch and determine if it is something I might want to make a SFS Sweater from. The swatch will be a dishcloth.
Works in progress: six or more pairs of machine socks waiting to be Kitchenered, SFS Sweater waiting for needles, Abundance Afghan needing some attention (rows knitted) this week.
I'll be out and about today. I need a portable project. I'll make a "warshrag." Look out socks! You've just been replaced.
Bona Fide Knitter
Monday, March 26, 2007
Disappearing Needles
It must be something in the air. Is this sweater not meant for me? Maybe I need to back off, take a deep breath and see what turns up. Or maybe I should order new needles from Knit Picks. I know as soon as I order more I will find mine. St. Anthony, can you help me?
Bona Fide Knitter
Friday, March 23, 2007
Favorite Summer Sweater Friday
This time for sure the four inch measurement is 22 stitches and 18 garter stitch ridges as called for. It was last night and it remains so this morning. My knitting is also better.
Today will be cast on and knit some rows. I'll use a longer cable, 32 inch instead of 24, so that I can judge how far the knitted fabric will reach around the boobage. My newest great concern is whether I will have enough yarn to finish. I remembered ordering an extra skein to allow for swatching. However, no matter how I count them I have 13, possibly 14 if I balled two together during the big frogging of 2004, not the 15 I thought I had. That leaves me a long way from the 16 I need now to go up in size. I have a call out to knitters around the world to find a few more skeins. If that doesn't work, I'm in deep doggie doo.
Those swatches will end up in the sweater and it still might have short sleeves. During a Google search I learned I missed an eBay auction for 17 skeins of a lavender color. I think if that auction was open right now I would bid to win and make the sweater in another color. I am determined to have a Sally's Favorite Summer Sweater in my future. I'm looking for Berroco Linet, color 3121, dyelot 67 or any dyelot I can find.
Bona Fide Knitter
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Oops! I've Done It Again
I've placed an order for Peaches & Creme cotton yarn, the order I delayed based on my decluttering constraints. Now that Richard has his socks I was free to place a yarn order. Yarn out/yarn in. When it comes I should be able to work a few dishcloths into my modified Rule of Three. They'll take the place of hand knit socks.
What is my fascination with knitted little cloths? I don't know. I just know I like what I've seen, various little motifs. They are a good way to try out new stitch patterns without a big commitment and probably just enough of a challenge for me before I long for mindless knitting again. What am I going to do with them? We have to see how many I make first, but some ideas are: wash dishes with them, wash my face with them, wash my . . . maybe not. I could knit some together into a baby blanket. I could give them away as gifts and let somebody else worry about what to do with them.
So many interests/so little time.
Bona Fide Knitter
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
SFS Sweater Woe is Me Wednesday
Can you say 'swatch'? Before I started the sweater the first time I did swatch. I was using two straight aluminum needles. I was very careful when deciding on what size to make. I added the six inches to my measurements as required. I have no hips but lots of boobage so I went with six inches added to the top measurement. I did not measure this time. I should have. I should have swatched as well. OUCH!
Okay, so I'm a little above my fighting weight. I considered continuing with the size on the needles, but when the ruler showed my gauge to be off that was the last straw. I will be at my best weight again, maybe even in the next few months and certainly by the time the sweater is finished. However, I have doubts about "oversized" even if my gauge was right. Can you say 'frog pond'?
Yes, I am going to frog Sally's Favorite Summer Sweater The Bane Of My Existence yet again. How many times is this? Five? Ten? Who knows? Who's counting?
The good news is, with my Knit Picks needles, restarting and getting back to where I am right now will not take long. Also I discovered how really handy the Knit Picks ruler is. It's called a View Sizer. Do you have one? Well, you should! It has a needle sizer section and a magnifying bar with a red line to keep you on the right row and two red lines that mark off four inches. No, I am not affiliated with the company, just giving credit where it's due. This little ruler is fabu! And so are the needles.

So here's the plan: I will go up a needle size for both needles AND make the next size larger sweater. First I will measure myself again, then swatch again, then check that I have enough yarn. I have extra, but maybe not enough for "oversized" across this boobage.
Stay tuned. The fun is just beginning.
Bona Fide Knitter
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
SFS Sweater Tuesday

Bona Fide Knitter
Monday, March 19, 2007
Sally's Favorite Summer Sweater

I'm using a Berroco yarn called Linet. It has the look of a micro I-cord.

I used end caps on circular cables to make semi straight needles. The opaque fabric calls for knitting using one of each size needle. I think the slick, pointy Knit Pick needles will make knitting into the size five with the size 10-1/2 much easier than it was with aluminum or wooden or plastic or even Denise needles. Yes, I tried them all. I'm a faster knitter with circulars than with straights. I think it has something to do with holding (or letting go of) the right hand needle. I'm hoping the metal tips and lightweight cables of my 'homemade' straights will have me moving right along.
Since I'm still in machine sock mode, the SFS Sweater will take the place of the Abundance Afghan which has grown too big to take with. The fledgling sweater will be my knitting in public project now that the afghan is unwieldy and I'm doing so many pairs of machine socks at home. Furthermore, to keep to my UFO reduction plan I cannot knit on socks alone.
Bona Fide Knitter
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Happy St. Patrick's Day

Thursday, March 15, 2007
What to Do Next?

I could order the Peaches & Creme if I want to. The barrier of not bringing anything else in until something leaves is gone. I delivered the four pairs of socks to Richard yesterday. As you can see he loves them . . .

. . . and me as well.

I also mailed a gift of socks today. Sooooo, I'm free to buy more yarn, at least five skeins or 500 grams or whatever I can rationalize.
Speaking of socks, I'm really on a sock machine kick right now. I've gotten the Legare humming and sock production should soar in the next few weeks. I might even try the Auto Knitter again next week, after we've both had a rest from each other. The Legare uses the same needles and in my tweaking to get it to run smoothly I discovered I was working with some less than perfect ones. That could be why I was getting some odd results on the Auto Knitter. I should not stay away from the machines for weeks, months at a time. By the time I go back to them I have forgotten their idiosyncrasies.
As for the hand knitting, more thought is required. The good news is I will soon have a soft and light afghan in the beautiful sea, sand and sky colors of Cape Cod.
Bona Fide Knitter
Monday, March 12, 2007
More Socks and Sock Machines
I gave the sample socks to Ruby and she was pleased. I've put the Auto Knitter on time out and set up the Legare 400 for 72/36 work. I am now making refinements to the way I make ribbed machine knit socks. I've worked on it for two days and still no completed sample pair of socks to show. I have the concept and I've almost completed a sock. But just when I think this is it, it isn't.
Foolishly I started with some black yarn. Never try something new with black yarn or on a machine that has been packed in its travel cart since being driven 400 miles six months ago. Ask me how I know these things.
My first swatch had some dropped stitches and then the whole thing knitted itself off the machine after the heel turn. The Yarn is Gems Pearl, machine washable and dryable 100% merino.

I made another attempt with the black yarn that knitted itself off the machine during the cuff. Moving right along, I switched to regular sock yarn in a color these old eyes could see. The yarn is Marathon Sockenwolle, 70% wool/30% nylon.

Although the tension was right and the pattern refinements worked well, this one also knitted itself off after the heel turn. A house doesn't have to fall on my head before I realize a machine might need some adjustment after a long ride and a six-month hibernation.
That's where I am now, oiling and making adjustments. The ribber needed a little tweaking and maybe the yarn carrier needs a little skootch down. Let's see what this evening brings.
Bona Fide Knitter
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Sock Saga Over
However, I have two socks the same size with matching imperfections. They're a pair! Meet Ruby's socks:

1x1 ribbed cuff, 1x3 ribbed leg and instep, size S
The sock saga is over and the third sock (which was really the first sock, no actually the second sock) will be wound back to cone then balled to go into my 'little balls of leftover sock yarn' bin.

That being over, what next? I want to work on more machine socks. The Auto Knitter and I need some time apart. I'm going to set up another machine today. I have a Legare with 54/27 and 72/36 setups. I'll use the 54/27 for some plain socks using Koigu and the 72/36 for ribbed socks using Opal.
On the needles I have the Abundance Afghan and the Heartbreakingly Cute Kimono. My modified version of the rule of three allows me to go back to Sally's Favorite Summer Sweater. Although I have to start from the casting on, I am still counting it as a longtime UFO. However I think I'll get that kimono on the finished pile first. Finishing is freeing!
Bona Fide Knitter
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Sock Saga Continues
Here are the socks being readied for Kitchener. The second sock has the pink waste yarn.

At the end there were a lot of funky things going on. Notice the lattice work up the side.

What's up with that?!!!

Close up you can see every needle in its place and no stitches missing. That fancy lattice should have been straight like the ones to the right. It's part of the instep ribbing.
When the going got tough, unbearably tough, the Abundance Afghan grew.

Why am I spending so much time on a machine giving me hell and with a pukey color sock yarn I don't even like when I have all this lovely Koigu--a whole basket full--I could be cranking out on my Legare 54/27?!!!

You might wonder why I would give Ruby my flawed sample socks in a color I don't like. She likes to get my samples that are small enough for her. She doesn't care about flaws or colors. She thinks they're all just fine. Ya gotta love her!
Bona Fide Knitter
Monday, March 5, 2007
Saturday and Sunday Sockknitting Saga

Ribber needles added and starting turns made

Sock yarn attached, the sock begins
Yarn goes in up top, sock comes out at bottom
I made a sock before this one with stockinette leg that was too big. That's why I decided to tackle ribbed socks on this finicky machine. I've made two mates to this one, each one having some operator flaw. One had misplaced ribs. Then there was the one on which I forgot to release the heel spring before cranking the foot. Tight, tight, too small foot! Both those socks were rewound back to the cone. Today will be my third attempt. They say the third time's a charm. My Aunt Ruby, will get these socks, blocked and labeled, on Wednesday . . . or else!
Bona Fide Knitter
Thursday, March 1, 2007
March First Mania

They were done using 60/30 slot cylinder/ribber. There is a two-inch 1x1 cuff, and eight-inch stockinette leg, short row heel and custom-length foot. The yarns are Regia, Inka, Regia and Marathon respectively and each pair has the ball band with three yards of extra yarn tucked into a cuff.

Getting the Auto Knitter to cause me less grief gave me the confidence to uncover the old Gearhart and change to the 100/50 cylinder/ribber. Now that gave me Grief with a capital G!

After much trial and error I was able to get the cylinder in just right so that the machine worked smoothly. Now if only I can get the tension and the weight coordinated. The few tubes I've made with lace weight yarn are full off holes and lengths of unlatched yarn from dropped stitches. I have to crank very slowly, watching to make sure every latch catches. I might need to tweak the timing a bit or adjust the yarn carrier. I'm working on it. However, in the meantime I'm in a machine sock knitting mood and lord knows I have the sock yarn stash to support the mood. So today, between blogging and decluttering (yes, that is still going on), I hope to hop on the Auto Knitter and ride out a pair of socks or two. That's one of the benefits of having multiple machines. You can have more than one project going at a time and we all know how much we love to do that! Which segues very nicely into . . .
UFOs being worked on? Yes, that is still going on as well. Unfortunately the baby kimono is no longer a favored object and was well on its way to being added to my UFO list. Oh no, that's not supposed to be happening! Last night I decided to add a few rows to see if favor would return. Hmmm, maybe it did a little. I will make an effort to finish before the shower date. Finished, it might be worthy. The Abundance Afghan is growing by leaps and bound in the interim. What interim you ask? The one in which I'm deciding on what to work on next. Sally's Favorite Summer Sweater had been the choice except I keep getting put off by the cable cast on of a zillion stitches. Perhaps with Knit Picks needles the task will be less daunting. Those pointier tips might be just what is needed. I'm glad I thought of that! Blogging is good for the mind.
Bona Fide Knitter